Game CG | ACE RACER Trailer 2023 王牌竞速CG山海经图卷赛道 九尾红狐 Chinese animation
Game name: ACE RACER 王牌竞速 Animation Studio: Chinese classical fantasy old book: 《山海经》(Shan Hai Jing) 《Classic of Mountains and Rivers》(Mountains and Seas Scriptures) The book was written in 475 BC, It is a fantasy story about geography and legends of mythical monsters.It is the origin of the legend of the Nine-tailed Fox Spirit.Classic Chinese literature has already have the element of fantasy literature, from the Classic of 山海经(Shan Hai Jing), outlining the skeleton of the ancient fantasy literary.Now, the fantasies of many Chinese games, donghuas, C-Drama and movies partly refer to the fantasy stories in this book.#GameCGtrailer #ChineseAnimation #Gamevideo Chinese Donghua and Games CGI 3D Animation Trailers/PV Recommend 本频道没有开任何收益.Non-profit in this channel.If there are some advertisement here, it is caused by the copyright of the background music.如有广告出现,是因为背景音乐版权导致的 Any questions about Chinese animation and games are welcome on my channel.I will try my best to give the answer.—————————— Animation Music Video, Donghua Game Music Video, DMV, AMV, EDM, 3D Donghua Drama 3D anime
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