If there are some advertisement here, it is caused by the copyright of the background music.如有广告出现,是因为背景音乐版权导致的
Any questions about Chinese animation and games are welcome on my channel.I will try my best to give the answer.——————————
【❤️It's ok to use all the game CG trailer video in my channel, to edit for your new EDM or GMV Animation Music Video】
Animation Music Video, Donghua Game Music Video, DMV, AMV, EDM, 3D Donghua Drama 3D anime, clips, donghua
【English translation in CC Sub now】
Click Subtitles/CC in the Settings pop-up.This will open a list of the subtitle for this video.❤️ Youtube has the Auto translate Subtitle for other countries in PC media Player
1.Cleck in the right down button 'CC' or 'setting' → 2.CC/Subtitle list → 3.Auto-transtlae →4.Choose your language in the open list
And you can download the Eng Sub from ❤️downsub。com❤️ Then, use google translate Eng Sub to the language of your country
#ChineseAnimation #GameCGtrailer #donghua