Game name: LifeAfter 明日之后
Game Developer 开发: 网易雷火工作室 NetEase Games Montréal Studio
Their Games 过往游戏: 天谕Revelation,倩女幽魂Chinese Ghost Story online,逆水寒Justice online,战意Conquerors Blade
Game Engine: 网易自研引擎NeoX
Producer 发行: 网易NetEase Games,
International Producer 国际发行: 心动网络
LifeAfter is a doomsday survival online game developed by NetEase Games (both iOS and Android version).Animation Studio:
#GameCGtrailer #ChineseAnimation #Gamevideo
Chinese Donghua and Games CGI 3D Animation Trailers/PV Recommend
本频道没有开任何收益.Non-profit in this channel.If there are some advertisement here, it is caused by the copyright of the background music.如有广告出现,是因为背景音乐版权导致的
Any questions about Chinese animation and games are welcome on my channel.I will try my best to give the answer.——————————
Animation Music Video, Donghua Game Music Video, DMV, AMV, EDM, 3D Donghua Drama 3D anime