GMV | 《深海新途》演唱: 徐亦珠 - 明日之后第四赛季深海巨浪主题曲 Life After Game Theme Song A WAY OUT Chinese version
Animation Studio: 演职人员: 演唱:徐亦珠/Moonlist 词:徐亦珠/Moonlist 曲:徐亦珠 /Adam Gubman 编曲:Adam Gubman 制作人:Adam Gubman 吉他:Jeff Askew 鼓:Adam Alesi 木管乐器:Josh Plotner 弦乐编写: *小提琴:Leah Zeger *中提琴:Rhea Hosanny *大提琴:Cremaine Booker 配唱制作: Adam Gubman / 徐亦珠/喜宝Kiho 人声录音师: 王子坤@902SOUND 混音师:Adam Gubman 混音室:Moonwalk Studio 制作统筹:徐亦珠 #GameCGtrailer #ChineseAnimation #Gamevideo Chinese Donghua and Games CGI 3D Animation Trailers/PV Recommend 本频道没有开任何收益.Non-profit in this channel.If there are some advertisement here, it is caused by the copyright of the background music.如有广告出现,是因为背景音乐版权导致的 Any questions about Chinese animation and games are welcome on my channel.I will try my best to give the answer.—————————— Animation Music Video, Donghua Game Music Video, DMV, AMV, EDM, 3D Donghua Drama 3D anime
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