Kiêu Ngạo (囂張) | EN | [MV Lyrics+Engsub+Pinyin+Vietsub]
放棄的 就大可不必再爭辯是非 fàng qì de jiù dà kě bú bì zài zhēng biàn shì fēi If you give up, you don't have to argue 放下的 就請你 燒的乾脆 fàng xià de jiù qǐng nǐ shāo de gān cuì If you put it down, you'll burn it down 你的一字一句猶如刀疤劃心上 nǐ de yí zì yí jù yóu rú dāo bā huá xīn shàng Your word is like a scar on the heart 我的一舉一動隨你改變多荒唐 wǒ de yì jǔ yí dòng suí nǐ gǎi biàn duō huāng táng How ridiculous it is to change my every move with you 任你肆意玩弄 從沒去想 rèn nǐ sì yì wán nòng cóng méi qù xiǎng You play with it, you never think about it 你是有多囂張 nǐ shì yǒu duō xiāo zhāng How arrogant are you?我的心臟脈搏為你跳動為你狂 wǒ de xīn zàng mài bó wéi nǐ tiào dòng wéi nǐ kuángg My heart beats for you and crazy for you 你說我真的多餘不如離開流浪 nǐ shuō wǒ zhēn de duō yú bù rú lí kāi liú làng You said I was so much more than I was supposed to be 都怪我 沒治癒我的傷 dōu guài wǒ méi zhì yù wǒ de shāng It's my fault I didn't heal my wounds ----------------------------------------­­------------------------------ ♦ If my video contains your copyright, please send mail to me!Thanks!♦ Mail: [email protected]
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Ni Cen Me Suo Theresia Teng